Greener cities

Greener cities is an initative supported by the Netherlands to highlight the urgency in adapting and building cities in harmony with nature. With an estimated population of 9 billion people by 2050, we all need to work together in creating healthier and greener cities. 

Building green together!

We are on a mission: to make cities healthier, greener and future-proof. Greening a city is so much more than planting trees and flowers. Greening a city requires expert knowledge in the horitculture field, in which innovative and long-term solutions can be easily adapted to local circumstances to ensure a balance between nature and people. 

Throughout the month of June, we will be sharing initiatives from around the globe that highlight the demand and funcionality of greener cities. In the meantime, learn more about why greening cities is so important for the future of our planet and its people. 

5 steps to make your city greener