Promoting sustainable production

How can we increase food supply to feed the world's population and lower the negative impact on our planet? And how can we support farmers to climate-proof their farms and improve their livelihood?

East-west seed
Promoting sustainable production

An agricultural model focused on sustainable principles will bring about a production method that boosts the economy, restores nature and increases engagement and appreciation among consumers and society.

Entrepreneurs in farming, horticulture and fisheries should be able to earn a profitable income while producing in a sustainable way. And consumers who understand where their food and flowers come from will have greater appreciation for producer and products. They can contribute to improving sustainability in agri & food production process.

Let's work together to
  • Promote sustainable and smart agriculture methods
  • Enhance greenhouse technology
  • Improve  (agro)logistics
  • Support capacity building in sustainable production
  • Promote research cooperation and knowledge exchange