Ready to participate?
Get in touch!
Are you interested in participating in Feeding the Cities? Send us a message - please add 'Feeding the cities' in the subject field of your email. We will support you by:
- Connecting you with a local school meals initiative with UNICEF
- Provide you with ready-to-use messages for your communications materials
- Promoting your activities via social media
You can also use the materials ISMD has created for school meals initiatives featuring:
- Posters
- Flyers
- Recipe cards
- Drawing templates
Unable to organise your own event, but still interested to contribute? No worries! You can still join our social media campaign. With the online Feeding the cities campaign we aim to raise awareness of the importance of good nutrition for children and put local initiatives in the spotlight.
Learn more about our partners
For greater impact the Netherlands has joined hands with UNICEF and International School Meals Day to provide school lunches in various cities worldwide. Learn more about their activities:
International School Meals Day (ISMD) is the organisation behind the International School Meals Day campaign. Founded 10 years ago, ISMD strives to raise awareness on the importance of good nutrition for children around the world, regardless of their circumstances. ISMD works together with various organisations in the UK and US, and international organisations such as the World Bank and World Food Programme.
Every US$ 1 invested in school meals has US$ 9 return
on investment
(World Food Programme)
UNICEF helps countries and governments to provide children with healthy and nutritious school meals.