Seeds 4 Change
The world’s population is expected to grow by 9 billion people in 2050. To increase the supply of high quality and nutritious food, we must come up with innovative solutions that boost production and restore nature and biodiversity. The Netherlands is stepping up its contribution towards achieving global food security. In Nigeria, a group of Dutch companies founded the Seeds 4 Change (S4C) programme, to support the local horticulture sector to become self-sufficient.
Increase food supply
Nigeria has one of the fastest growing populations in the world. The country faces a great challenge to increase food supply and employment, while wheatering the impact of urbanisation.
Agriculture accounts for roughly one-fourth of Nigeria’s GDP. While the sector has great potential, the country still imports a lot of food. Nigeria’s limited arable land is under cultivated, producing low yields. Post-harvest loses are also considerable. The agriculture sector also suffers from ageing rural population and a lack of future perspective for young farmers.
Learn more
This article was first published on 5 February 2021 on NLPlatform.com.
Netherlands Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria
Email: lag-lnv@minbuza.nl